Course Description

An operations/departmental manager is generally someone who is able to manage teams and/or projects, and has responsibility for planning, delivering and achieving departmental goals and objectives. They are accountable to a more senior manager, head of department or small business owner, and are responsible for the operational and/or policy delivery of the organisation’s strategy. 

It is applicable to professional managers from all sectors - the private, public or third sector - and all sizes of organisation. It will typically take up to 2 ½ years to complete, although the exact duration will be dependent on the previous experience of the individual. 

This Apprenticeship has been designed to provide access to development opportunities for as wide a range of individuals as possible. This includes individuals who are at the start of their career and who wish to take their first steps into professional management, as well as those who may already have developed practical experience but who wish to develop their theoretical understanding of management skills. 

On completion, apprentices can register as full members with the Chartered Management Institute and/or the Institute of Leadership & Management, and those with 3 years’ of management experience can apply for Chartered Manager status through the CMI. 

The assessment approach will ensure that apprentices meet the skills, knowledge and behaviour outcomes as defined in the Standard, whichever Training Provider is delivering the Apprenticeship, or Independent Assessment Organisation is delivering the End Point Assessment. 

The approach has been designed to be: 

  • Appropriate, relevant and feasible in a wide range of contexts 
  • Consistent across these contexts 
  • Affordable and manageable based on the number of potential learners

Key Benefits
  • Gain the knowledge of the essential models and theories of Management and Leadership whilst ensuring your team achieves their organisational objectives
  • Enhance your management skills and techniques, individual qualities and approaches, vital for a successful career advancement in management
  • Increase your knowledge and understanding of how a Manager should lead, handle processes and guide people
  • Apply the learnt theories and models to practical situations within your workplace, helping you to influence work place problems more effectively while you study the course
  • Once you have completed the Apprenticeship, you can then apply to be a Certified Chartered Manager, of which we are an approved CMI Assessment Centre, or we can include it within the Apprenticeship
Course Assessment - All Levels
  • Completion and achievement of the CMI Level 5 Diploma in Management which is recognised by Ofqual, equating to at least 370 hours Total Qualification Time.  This entails completing and passing 8 assignments.
  • Regular performance reviews between apprentice and line manager 
  • Development of a portfolio of evidence 
  • Feedback from line manager, peers and direct reports (including 180/360 degree feedback or equivalent)
  • Continuing Professional Development Log to be kept and maintained as part of the Portfolio
  • Off the job training log

The decision to Gateway to the End-Point Assessment will be taken by the line manager (employer) and apprentice with input from the Training Provider. 

Study Support - All Levels
  •  Students are allocated a UK-based Tutor/Assessor
  • Tutors are available by telephone, Skype and Moodle Messaging (email via the Virtual Learning Environment) to discuss course materials and give support and assistance with assignments
  • Timetabled assessment reviews
  • Site visits to employer premises to conduct one to one reviews 
  • Student Services are available by telephone and email to assist with any issues or concerns during your course
Course Delivery - All Levels
  •  Blended Programme which will consist of 8 assignments
  • Assignment based
  • Portfolio of Evidence
  • Off the Job training log
  • Timetabled assessment reviews with tutor/assessor.
Required Study Time - All Levels

This is typically a 24 month Apprenticeship with an integrated approach to the assessment of knowledge, skills and behaviours. 

In case you're wondering


How long does it take to complete the course?


Each unit typically takes around 6 weeks to complete. Units consist of assignments and the student will receive a timetable of when each assignment needs to be submitted. Students can, however, choose to submit an assignment earlier than the due date, which allows a student to complete the course earlier. Should more time be required then an extension can be requested. The number of extensions requested are dependent on the level taken and other factors (such a change in personal circumstances). 

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